Control System for unit No.1 of Kambaratinskaya HPP-2 has been put into operation

Date news: 15 June 2011
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Control System for Unit No.1 of Kambaratinskaya HPP-2 has been put into operation. Control system was produced by SPC Rakurs. “Adjusting of regulating system is completed, hydraulic unit is equipped with canadian system of vibration monitoring and control, the unit is tested and ready for operation” – noted at press service of Kambaratinskaya HPP.

The software and hardware complex for automatic control of hydraulic unit No.1 of Kambaratinskaya HPP-2 is used for carrying out of working operations control of hydroelectric unit and its auxiliary equipment while transferring from one mode to another. Control system also fulfills alarm and warning.

The control system provides the following functions:

- Control of readiness of stopped unit to be started

- automatic start and stop of the hydraulic unit,

- assurance of unit operation in specified modes without manual intervention of operations staff ,

- constant control of unit and its auxiliary equipment operability,

- control of mechanical damage of unit and control of off-normal modes (hydromechanical protection),

- etc.
